Here is also a WIP-shot:
Hopefully, something will change in Chapter Approved 2022...
I also took a picture to compare the size:
Here is also a WIP-shot:
Happy Holidays!
I'll try to finish some of my older projects. Therefore I painted my third Iron Hands Leviathan Dreadnought. Don't ask me why I bought three at one time. There will be hardly a chance to play all three at one time. But they are such cool models and fun to paint.
Well, nothing special today. Just some ordinary terrain from the Octarius box as an addition for my Kill Team board.
Here are photos of my finished Nob House and the gaming table.
But I am not finished yet. There is more to come!
It is time for another Ork building. 😁
This time I am building some kind of watch tower with an AA-emplacement on top. I hope to get everything right, but have to say it is not easy with no Ork bits available. Don't ask me why I build an orkish Kill Team board without even playing Orks.😆
Overall, it was a lot of fun to build and paint the Mek Shop. I gained a lot of experience working with all those unfamiliar materials and the next piece will hopefully be even better. 😋
A typical scene in a Kill Team game on the upcoming gaming board could look like this later (Sisters of Battle vs. Retro-Nids):
Next up is a Mek Shop. I had a rough idea in my head and started to cut the outer walls out of architectural
cardboard / foam cardboard. After that, I glued everything together using PVA glue. I used corrugated cardboard for the windows/doors and ice cream sticks for the roof.
Then, I glued the building on a pvc panel. The nice thing about PVC sheets is that they don't bend unlike cardboard, wood or architectural cardboard.
This time I wasn't stingy and bought the Mechanicus crane for the lower roof top. I orkified it very slightly and filled it with sand so that it wouldn't tip over.
This little project may be a little too late for ORKtober, but it is not too late for NORKvember.
As soon as the Octarius Kill Team Box was released a few weeks ago, I was hooked and bought one. The new box already contains Ork terrain and a Gaming board. Nevertheless, the idea for a slightly different orkish gaming table came to me relatively quickly.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am particularly attached to the things from the 2nd edition of Warhammer 40.000. I just like the weird, comic-like greenskins better than much of what came after and a picture says more than a thousand words:
I've finished these five Battle Sisters last night. I am quite satisfied, because I managed to paint them in a reasonable amount of time with comparably little effort. So you could say that I'm slowly getting the hang of painting my Sisters...
Aaa-nd done.
I finally did it and finished the "Triumph of St. Katharine" in the colour scheme of the Sororitas Order of the Sacred Rose. It took me much longer than expected and I wouldn't do a second one. Nevertheless, this piece is fun to look at and maybe, just maybe I'll play with it sometimes in the future.