Sunday 7 November 2021

[Retro] Space Ork Kill Team Gaming Table

This little project may be a little too late for ORKtober, but it is not too late for NORKvember. 

As soon as the Octarius Kill Team Box was released a few weeks ago, I was hooked and bought one. The new box already contains Ork terrain and a Gaming board. Nevertheless, the idea for a slightly different orkish gaming table came to me relatively quickly. 

Anyone who knows me knows that I am particularly attached to the things from the 2nd edition of Warhammer 40.000. I just like the weird, comic-like greenskins better than much of what came after and a picture says more than a thousand words: 

So I'll try to make a small Ork settlement in the classic style and document my steps here. I'll build a total of four buildings, barricades, vegetation and a looted tank. I try my best to do everything in the original 2nd edition style. 
However, I won't do it without the new terrain sprues completely, as the oil pump, for example, is pretty cool. Last weekend I did a major purchase in a craft store and did a first test build. I learned a lot in the process, which I can use for the next buildings... 
With some paint on, it looks like this and I am quite happy how it turned out:


  1. Whoa !! Excellent kitbash scenery bring us to the past !! ^^


  2. Which paints did you use for the building. Still looking for a good recipe for the beige/sand colour.

    1. Nothing special. Just some white acrylic wall paint mixed with Heathfire Yellow from P3.
