Wednesday 25 March 2020

Adeptus Titanicus: The Progress so far

Here are two pictures of my progress of Adeptus Titanicus miniatures so far. There are still a few knights and two more titans on my pile of shame. Yet, due to the strong Euro (in comparison to the GBP) I'm thinking about buying more miniatures coming with the new Adeptus Titanicus starter box...

Legio Gryphonicus Titans

Imperial Knights of Knight Household Coldshroud

Saturday 21 March 2020

Saturday 14 March 2020

3D "Combat Arena" Gaming Board - Part III - Finished!

Well, the arena is ready to play with. I kept the colors deliberately so "dull" because the main role will be played by the fighting characters later.

Monday 2 March 2020

3D "Combat Arena" Gaming Board - Part II

I had everything prepared and it was time to glue everything together. The tiles came onto the ground and the Necromunda walls on the sides. On top of the walls came a thin wooden plank.

On the printed board are four lethal energy coils I had to represent. I chose the central terminal of a Space Marine drop pod as a starting point and glued all kinds of weapons to it. This should do the job pretty well, don't you think?

Then, I used my Proxxon tool to drill dozens of holes into the floor plates to makes them look a little more realistic. 

Sunday 1 March 2020

3D "Combat Arena" Gaming Board - Part I

Last year I made a "3D pitch" for Blitz Bowl - [Link]. It was not necessarily a 100% true replica of the original game board, because I wanted the playability not to suffer. 

The matches I played on this "3D pitch" were much more immersive and cooler compared to the ones on the flat gaming board. Therefore, it was a natural conclusion to start a similar project for another game: a 3D arena for the game "Combat Arena"!

Unlike the Blitz Bowl playing field, I will build fewer components by myself and instead use more existing parts (like walls from Necromunda: Dark Uprising). To top it off, I will also paint the miniatures and hopefully play a game with my buddies eventually.

After giving this ideat some thought, I quickly bought some parts. You can see a matching wooden box (30x30 cm), lasered wooden hexagons and Necromunda wall parts on the picture below. At first, I wanted to build the hexagons myself and stay close to the printed version. But I had problems getting them right and to be honest, I think they look kinda silly.