Friday, 24 January 2025

Iron Warriors - Chaos Space Marines Squad

To have something to show, here's the first squad of Chaos Space Marines. The standard squads are always the most difficult part of a project like this. Vehicles and characters are generally quicker and easier for me. So it's nice to have the first standard unit already finished. 

The painting went very quickly. Lead Belcher spray, gold and a dark grey (not including the warning stripes on the swords). This was followed by a black oil wash and then just the decals and the base design.


  1. Chaos Space Marines with the horned helmets and wide backpacks are such a classic look!
    This first squad already looks great! For speed painting / an economical approach, they have a great amount of detail. I especially like the pallid skin tone. And of course the hazard stripes really sell them as Iron Warriors!

    1. Thank you! I could paint more and more details, but then I would probably quickly lose interest. This way, everything is balanced.

  2. Oh, these are terrific! These models are cool, I still have a few of them, and I love your work on them. Pretty nice!
