Friday, 31 January 2025

Iron Warriors - Classic Chaos Dreadnought

I still remember very well how I bought the English White Dwarf 200 in the comic shop in Bonn about 29 years ago. I was browsing through the magazine on the train back home and therein saw the Chaos Dreadnought for the first time. Honestly, the design didn't knock my socks off and especially the Power Scourge was dreadful...

And here I am, almost three decades later, and it seems that I've started to grow old. For my new army project, I bought two of these metal lumps. And I've already finished the first one! 

Friday, 24 January 2025

Iron Warriors - Chaos Space Marines Squad

To have something to show, here's the first squad of Chaos Space Marines. The standard squads are always the most difficult part of a project like this. Vehicles and characters are generally quicker and easier for me. So it's nice to have the first standard unit already finished. 

The painting went very quickly. Lead Belcher spray, gold and a dark grey (not including the warning stripes on the swords). This was followed by a black oil wash and then just the decals and the base design.

Retro Within, Retro Without [5th Edition Iron Warriors]

I haven't posted anything here for the last few months, but I haven't been inactive. I've painted and experimented a bit, but none is worth showing. With the new year, I've decided to start a new army project.
With an initial target size of around 2000 points, I will assemble an army of Iron Warriors based solely on classic miniatures from the early days of Warhammer 40k. Supplemented by some home-printed parts, I will create a functional and characterful force based on the 5th Edition rules.

I will also take a pragmatic approach to painting: It's not about getting every detail perfect, it's about getting the army into battle quickly and efficiently. A simple but effective colour palette will ensure the models look good without requiring too much time and effort. The focus is on the fun and flexibility of quick painting and low-cost assembly - all in keeping with the gritty flavour of the Iron Warriors.
Anyone who knows my project and me knows that I'm more into old models. See, for example, my Tyranids, Oldcons or Tallarn Rough Riders. There are some great models in the old Chaos range and also many ‘more special models’ that I always fancied but never bought. That's all over now! Stay tuned.