Saturday, 16 September 2017

Custodes Land Raider Conversion

As you might know, the only viable option for Custodes to get around in 40k is a Venerable Land Raider. So far so good. But if you compare the size of the assault ramp with a Custodes, the scale is really off. They virtually have to limbo dance their way to the outside! The red line marks the size of the ramp:

That's way too off and the reason why I converted this old Land Raider Redeemer respectively. As you can see, the opening became larger and the Custodes would be able to fit through (just imagine the miniature without its base).

I used the aquila from the Custodes vexilla to decorate the upper side of the ramp. And as you see, the closed ramp became also slightly larger than the original one.

I am quite happy with the result and the paintwork will hopefully do the rest to give it a proper look.


  1. This conversion is amazing! I can sort of make out what bits you used for the front ramp. Did you scratch build the longer door for the top bit?

    1. Thank you very much and yes, the top bit is scratch build with a piece of plastic.

  2. What bits is the cover that covers the gun?

    1. On top? This is a cut down cover of the Land Raider Redeemer side weapons.

  3. Hey there! I know I'm incredibly late to this but I was thinking of getting a land raider for my chaos space marines but the size of the front serriously bugs me! I just cane across this post and it's a godsend in my hour of need. Wanted to ask if you had to make any adjustments, cutting or anything or did you just have to glue the plasticard sheet on the layer just beneath the heavy bolters? Thank you and have a fantastic day!

  4. Actually could you go a bit more into detail of the conversion? I honestly am a bit confused how you did it
