Last Saturday evening, my Talons of the Emperah had the opportunity to fight against Funky Bibers Tyranids. Since I could build a 2000 army with the Talons alone, they took some friends with them.
We played a standard kill point match because it was my second game in the eighth edition, therefore we wanted to keep it simple. However, I did not expect any great chances versus as Funky Biber's army, when he placed five times more miniatures on the table than I did.
I had the first turn and managed to decimate the Tyranids quite well from afar. The Tyranids, however, seemed to be relatively unimpressed as they stormed forward. Close combats erupted everywhere, quite early in the game. My troops, however, were able to stand their ground.
At the end of my fifth turn, only three Termagaunts and one Harpy were left. In contrast, the Talons "only" lost the Custodes Guard, the Sisters of Silence and a Contemptor Dreadnought. My MVP was clearly the Contemptor with the Multi-Melta, who shrug incredibly much damage off and also dealt much damage to the Tyranids.
Overall, I am positively surprised by the Talons and I am curious how they will do in the next games.