Sunday, 23 October 2016

Destroyer Tank Hunter #2

Imperial Knights and other Super Heavies become more and more common even in smaller games. My Tallarn Desert Raiders are willing to enter this arms race and therefore I present to you my second Destroyer Tank Hunter:

Hell, a few days ago I even bought a third one and another Leman Russ Vanquisher! My gaming buddy Clyde_Frosch and I are planning a big tank battle around Christmas and I am looking forward to it. The "Battle of Tallarn" seems to be the right inspiration...

Friday, 14 October 2016

Iron Hands: Sergeant "Telion"?

This guy here is finished but has no name yet. Any ideas? In any case, I want to play him as the Iron Hands version of the famous Sergeant Telion of the Ultramarines.

And what's going on with Games Workshop the last months, right? So many fantastic releases in such a short time. Deathwatch, Genestealer Cult, Burning of Prospero... I am overwhelmed and really don't know what to buy and where to start. Or shouldn't I start another project right now? So many questions.

Monday, 10 October 2016

40k in 40 Minutes - More Pictures & Results

Finally, I want to show you some more uncommented photos of the other games of our little tournament.

Clyde Frosch vs. Captain Valerius

Funky Biber vs. Captain Valerius

Final Score:
 1. Clyde Frosch - 3 Victories
2. Captain_Valerius - 2 Victories, 1 Defeat
3. =Talarion=  - 1 Victory, 2 Defeats
4. Funky Biber - 3 Defeats

Congratulations to Clyde Frosch and his 1st place. This honor was earned well.  I am looking forward to our next little tournament. Then maybe again with complete new armies...?

Sunday, 9 October 2016

40k in 40 Minutes - My Battles

In my first game, I played against “Funky Biber” and his Tyranids. In fact, this was the game I had the most jitters in advance. Should the Nids be able to engage me in close combat early, I would have a really hard stand.

In the selected mission, we both have had to conquer three markers in the middle of the battlefield to conquer and hold as long as possible. So we both went into the game quite offensively. I was a little bit faster than the Tyranids and was able to collect some early victory points.

By using the psychic power "Endurance" I made the Librarian and his squad incredibly resistant and the Tyranids lost some teeth chewing on them. :D

Meanwhile, my two squads of scouts held the markers. As soon as a surprise attack of a Lictor went terribly wrong, the victory was mine. 

In the second game, I faced “Clyde Froschs” Skitarii. We played the same mission, as in the last game. This time sadly, regarding the psychic forces was not so lucky, as I only received "Life Leech". Mhmmm.

I tried to simply overrun the Skitarii. But since this was my very first time I met those metal boys, I underestimated them greatly. I saw their strength more in ranged combat and therefore thought they would suck in close combat. But how wrong I was. Those damn flexible protocols!

Until the end of the fourth round the game was decided, as I was beaten up too heavily .

Finally, in the third game I faced the Daemonkin of Captain_Valerius.

Our Mission was to protect our own markers and to destroy the opposite marker at the same time. I assumed that I would get problems with the Hounds and I could neglect the cultists in the Rhinos.

So I barricaded myself and waited for the onslaught. The Hounds went down pretty easily, but I had major problems with the Rhinos. I wasn’t able to crack them and on the same time, Captain_Valerius played them pretty aggressively. I didn’t see that coming.

One Rhino rammed my Land Speeder and destroyed it. The other one managed to break my defense, unloaded its cargo and shit hit the fan. Finally, my marker was destroyed and I had no chance to get to his. Uppps...

Thursday, 6 October 2016

40k in 40 Minutes - The Armies


Last weekend we finally held our little "40k in 40 minutes" tournament. Before I go into detail about the matches, I want to show you the armies of my gaming friends. First come the Tyranids of "Funky Biber":

***************  3 Elites ***************  
1 Lictor - - - > 50 points
1 Venomthrope - - - > 45 points
1 Zoanthrope - - - > 50 points
***************  2 Troops ***************  
10 Termagants, 10 x Flesh Borers - - - > 40
3 Tyranid Warriors, 2 x Deathsplitter, 3 x Scything Talons, 1 x Barbed Strangler - - - > 110 points
***************  1 Assault ***************  
3 Raveners, 3 x Rending Claws - - - > 105

Overall: 400 points

The next ones are the Skitarii from "Clyde Frosch":

***************  3 Troops ***************  
 10 Skitarii Rangers - Omnispex + Ranger Alpha - Galvanic Rifle- - - > 130 points
9 Skitarii Vanguard - 2 x Plasma-Caliver + Vanguard Alpha - Radium-Carabine - - - > 151 points
8 Skitarii Vanguard - 2 x Arc Rifle + Vanguard Alpha - Radium-Carabine - - - > 112 points

Overall: 393 points

And last but not least "Captain_Valerius" Khorne Daemonkin:  

***************  2 Troops ***************  
10 Chaos Cultists, 8 x Autogun, 1 x Heavy Stubber + Champion, Autopistol, CCW, Shotgun - - - > 85 points

10 Chaos Cultists, 1 x Flamer + Champion, Autopistol, CCW - - - > 75 points
***************  4 Assault ***************
Rhino + Dozer Blade - - - > 40 points

Rhino + Dozer Blade - - - > 40 points
5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne - - - > 80 points
5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne - - - > 80 points 

Overall: 400 points

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Iron Hands: Prelude to Battle

I was able to finish the last three missing Devastator Marines yesterday evening and now my small 400 points strike team is complete! This means I am ready for the tournament tomorrow. I used this occasion as an excuse to take some pictures of the miniatures:

Click to enlarge.

***************  1 HQ ***************
Librarian  - - - > 65 points

***************  3 Troops  ***************
Scout Squad, 5 Scouts  (2x Shotgun, 3x CCW)
+ Landspeeder Storm, Heavy Bolter   - - - > 95 points

Scout Squad, 5 Scouts (4x Bolter, Heavy Bolter) - - - > 63 points
Tactical Squad, 5 Space Marines + 1x Flamethrower - - - > 75 points
***************  1 Support ***************
Devastator Squad, 5 Space Marines (3x Heavy Bolter) - - - > 100 points

Overall : 398 points

The finished Devastator Marines.
Guys, wish me good luck for the tournament and the obligatory battle reports will follow the next days.