Monday, 31 July 2017

Sisters of Silence: Vigilators

It took me a while to finish my first Sisters of Silence squad, but think it was worth the time and effort. If one model should not be as perfect as it should be, I hope for the so called "cheerleader effect". :D

Edit: You can find more pictures of the antigrav Rhino here.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Nurgle Chaos Spawn

Due to the release of the Dark Imperium set, I plan to build a small Chaos Space Marine Kill Team at least. Therefore, I would also need one Nurgle Chaos Spawn as a specialist. I am not a huge fan of the generic GW sprues and the Plague Ogryns and Plague Toads are a little bit too expensive in my opinion. Other GW options are hard to come by.  Eventually, I found a nice alternative miniature in Poland. This guy is called "Plaguebringer" and you can get him for around 11 €! What do you think?


Friday, 14 July 2017

Talons of the Emperah: Antigrav Null Maiden Rhino

I always found the Sisters of Silence and the Custodes quite fascinating. With the release of the "Burning of Prospero" box, came some really beautiful miniatures of the formerly mentioned forces. I bought two sets of Custodes, Sisters and a Galatus Dreadnought. I also wanted to have some kind of transport for my Sisters in 40k games, but the standard Rhino seemed a little bit boring to me. That's why I built my own version of a Null Maiden Rhino...

You might know the following artwork of an antigrav Rhino from the artbook "The Horus Heresy: Collected Visions". This was clearly my source of inspiration.

Before I forget, the engines are not scratch build. They are made by Bitspudlo and you can buy them here [Link]. Next up will be some Sisters of Silence.