Sunday, 9 February 2025

Iron Warriors - Khorne Berzerkers

Even if the Iron Warriors are not dedicated to any Chaos deity in particular in the fluff, the army has to be playable on the tabletop. I wanted a fearsome melee unit in my Core Units. And what fills this role better than Khorne Berzerkers?

That's why I painted a unit of Khorne Berzerkers for my Iron Warriors army. Iron Warriors cut off mutations and replace them with bionic implants, but this could be difficult to do with a head. That's why the sergeant has a demonic head...


  1. Again, lovely work on these classic miniatures! The running poses were such a new concept back in the day! I think the industrial way of warfare of the Iron Warriors does fit Khorne quite well – lots of blood to flow! So I can very well imagine a squad of Marines that have pledged themselves to the Chaos God to improve their battle metrics!

  2. Excellent paintjob as always ^^

    Very original for an army in wich the dedication to a dark deity is not so allowed ^^

