Monday, 17 February 2025

Iron Warriors - Castellan Rhinos

I was planning to use two Rhinos as mobile transports for my Iron Warriors. I initially wanted to use normal Rhinos and convert them. I was about to buy two second-hand Rhinos but then changed my mind. On the one hand, it would cost dozens of euros. On the other hand, it would mean a lot of work.

Whilst researching alternatives, I came across the Castellan Rhinos from the Iron Warriors, which I had not heard of before. I even found some nice files to make these transporters a printed reality. It is breathtaking to see what is possible to make even with a cheap FDM printer. Apart from the smoke launchers and the hatch with the bolter, nothing is original.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

Iron Warriors - Khorne Berzerkers

Even if the Iron Warriors are not dedicated to any Chaos deity in particular in the fluff, the army has to be playable on the tabletop. I wanted a fearsome melee unit in my Core Units. And what fills this role better than Khorne Berzerkers?

That's why I painted a unit of Khorne Berzerkers for my Iron Warriors army. Iron Warriors cut off mutations and replace them with bionic implants, but this could be difficult to do with a head. That's why the sergeant has a demonic head...

Friday, 31 January 2025

Iron Warriors - Classic Chaos Dreadnought

I still remember very well how I bought the English White Dwarf 200 in the comic shop in Bonn about 29 years ago. I was browsing through the magazine on the train back home and therein saw the Chaos Dreadnought for the first time. Honestly, the design didn't knock my socks off and especially the Power Scourge was dreadful...

And here I am, almost three decades later, and it seems that I've started to grow old. For my new army project, I bought two of these metal lumps. And I've already finished the first one!